so much for my plans of making my "fish" blog. work's taking over my life again yearrgg! anyway, i guess i'll never have a REAL rest from it unless i get sick, go blind, disabled or something. what a grisly thought, but i'll keep that in mind heheh.
a recap of my uh... so called weekend:
i've been thinking about getting myself a little something for my birthday. it's coming up in a few days and what better way to spoil myself than to get something hmmm "slightly expensive", something of use to me. how about... a small sling bag/pouch to store all my everyday stuff (mp3 player, cellphone, flash drive, rechargeable batteries). the truth is, i had one about a year ago and i cherished that bag (sentimental value). sadly, for no apparent reason, it, and the other stuff that were given to me by a certain someone, broke. ironic, but i must not stray off to another topic harhar. that's another story, so back to the bag thing. i talked to kitty last week and she suggested a brand, so off i went to the mall last sunday and looked for that bag. along with my pal zemperor, i browsed at the bags on display. grinning as i saw the big ass sign saying SALE, i continued checking out for a particular brand. (i'll write more about this later?)
i don't feel like writing my head out today...
it's as if... nah...
must be the stress, the pressure, the eystrain... i need a shrink!... "vhot do you see in ze picture?" or, "so tell me... vhot comes in to your mind vhen i say... ". hmm all these insanity will come to an end eventually. maybe all i need is something to bring me back to the real world harhar (phil. volley team spike?) nyahaha... whoops... ok too much info! yearggg! brain overload...
please excuse me for ranting, but what's this blog for anyway? maybe it's time to stop ranting and move to griping hehe..
anyway, tonight's kinda slow. i'm happy to say that my little minnow of an arowana is finally eating superworms. no more sleepless nights thinking that my new acquisition might be floating in the fish tank the next day due to starvation. my ornate dragonfin is doing well too.
say, i'm back to my old hobby of reading novels whee! zemperor and i were digging over at a used books store and we hit paydirt! two magic: the gathering novels (which i consider very rare), the shattered alliance and onslaught. this could only mean one thing: bookworm mode on! i have this "i don't stop reading 'till i finish the book" character and boy, i'm going to feel the effect sleep loss again. geek-o! whoopee, waitaminnit, who borrowed my nemesis novel? wahhh. i guess i'll be hitting the bookstores again next weekend , who knows what i'll find (hopefully that nintendo game guide i saw, guaranteed uber classic).
i'll cut short my entry today, i have to get back to my book hehehe...
carpe noctem for now. where's my captain bawang?